Friday, May 26, 2006

White Columbine

The gardens are coming along splendidly. A hard rain Wednesday night, combined with swelling temperatures the past two days means everything is bursting into growth. Our clematis is finally leafing out, the lilacs are opening, we're seeing flowers we've never seen on plants that didn't bloom last year. Our white columbine has come back amazingly well. They're absolutely beautiful. They just make you want to stop and appreciate them. I had one in a vase at the dinner table and realized that each petal tapers down into a cone. It's such a beautiful flower, and a native to boot. The roses are full of buds as well. I almost feel like they are smug in their knowledge of what's to come, as they show just a hint of color throught their folded leaves.

My mom left for Thailand today. She should get into Bangkok tomorrow night. Tuesday they will travel home. I'll feel so much better when they're both home safely. Keeping myself busy so as not to worry sick, I've cleaned out closets and filled up the car with stuff for Goodwill. I upped my running and registered for a 5K so that I really have to train and get miles and time in. The methodical nature of a good run is great solitary time for me. So far my knees are holding up well. Today as I thought of my Mom I needed busy hands, so I started repainting one of our big pieces for the living room. I'll post a picture when it's done. It's good to have gotten that started. I'm learning how to *not* procrastinate.

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