Saturday, September 09, 2006

What I Did on Summer Vacation

Okay, it's really just what I did today. I've dubbed Saturday "chore day" so today I got down to domestic business--cleaned house, baked bread for the coming week, made marinara from the overflowing basket(s) on the counter. I decided to make double batches of everything since we're going to the in-laws tomorrow, and I thought I'd share the bounty. Now I'm not nearly as good at bread as Beo, but if Beo makes bread it takes twice as long (because he does it right, I guess), and we have to stay home all day. That's not an option this week, and either is store bought bread. (Budget? What budget?) It took most of the day, but once everything was done and the kitchen was cleaned and the house smelled delicious, it felt so good! I just had to take a picture and share. My bread didn't rise well, but it's surprisingly light for that fact, and tastes just fine. There was twice the marinara, but I only have one pretty jar, so there you have it!


Anonymous said...

Sounds lovely to me! I'm planning on baking four loaves today, plus a lovely cake for no other reason than to eat something nummy. :)

I've always struggled with my breads, too. I can't really figure out why. But with this recipe (White Bread 101 from the King Arthur Flour Baker's Companion), my troubles seem to be over. Turns out great every time. Now I just need to nurture my baking confidence for awhile before I try some more "artisanal" breads again. :)

Mia said...

I do alright with loaves with more white flour in them. Beo claims I may be putting too much flour in these for whole grain. I really just want to keep making more until I get the formula right again, but I don't need any more fresh bread in the house!

Anonymous said...

There is really nothing that can match scratch-made bread. Even bread machines don't match it. And the house smells good for hours.... Mmmmmmmm.

Beo said...

My father, who has made bread by hand for over 20 years, loaned me a copy of Bread Alone. It not only firmly ensconses bread making into the Slow Food movement, but the resulting artisans breads are unreal.

Mia's right though-the baguettes I made yesterday took over 24 hours-talk about Slow Food!

Beo said...

Right I kinda missed the point of this post with my last comment...

Coming home from work last Saturday to a house bursting with home baked goodness was outstanding!

Mia is on a huge Whole Foods kick-not the grocer this time, but actually buying and preparing whole foods. There are so many reasons to do it-health (no unprounceables!), environmental, and societal.